Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai. (2025)

-- added Garnt (Gigguk) tier list

-- added Mother's Basement Hottest Trash

This stack exceeded the 50 item limit so I split it in two. See the stack: "2023 Fall YouTube Critics Recommendations - Returning & Continuing Shows" for the rest. Sorry for the inconvenience.

This stack consolidates watch recommendations for Fall 2023 from several YouTube critics/commentators. Stacked in alpha order.

------------------------------< Pre-season >------------------------------

These are recommendations based on hype, buzz, trailers, and sometimes the reputation of the creative team.

414Anime 152K subs: "The Fall 2023 Anime NOT TO MISS!". Highlighting new anime. Not ranked or ordered so I'll just note it one each show mentioned.

AH Brandon Reviews 60.2K subs: "What Will Brandon Watch Fall of Anime 2023". "I won't be going over everything, just some of the things that catch my eye." His channel content is driven largely by audience interest so this isn't a "what to watch" recommendation. More like someone taking the pulse of his community.

DomoSenpai 4.25K subs: "Ranking EVERY Anime for the Fall 2023 Season". Tier list. Tiers from highest to lowest: Most Anticipated > Intrigued > Might Check Out > Meh > Dog Shtt > Not Interested.

EliteAlice 821 subs: "10 NEW Anime to Watch Fall 2023". "This is what I'm liking the best right now." I'll add chapter markers to each entry he mentions so you can watch specific segments.
>> Find EliteAlice as Marinate1016 right here on MAL:

Garnt 498K subs: "I Watched EVERY Anime in Fall 2023". This is an edited version of a nearly 5 hour stream covering every anime in the Fall 2023 season. Ranking: Must Watch; Three episodes (potential); One episode (give it a chance); Skip. Based on each anime description and trailers. Presumably, shows that were edited out were ranked Skip without much fanfare.
"Anime doesn't make sense anymore!"
Edited: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjOoHnLnFT4
Full stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB0LL2nHK-A (include chapter markers)

Nems Reviews 89 subs: "Anime Worth Watching in Fall 2023". Not ranked so I'll just add the channel to each entry he mentions.

Otaku Spirit 15.7K subs: "Top 10 Exciting Fall 2023 Anime!". His top 10 new anime for Fall. Based largely on the strength of the PV but sometimes fueled by the past performance of the creative team. I added the countdown from 10 to 1 (most exciting).

Razovy Revived 26.8K subs: "Watch These Anime Fall 2023 | Razovy Revived". Not ranked or ordered.

Shotoro 26.1K subs: "Top 10 Anime Series Of Fall 2023". Ranked from 10 > 1 (top).

ViniiTube 1.06M subs: "Top 10 Most Anticipated Fall 2023 Anime". Ranked from 10 to 1 (most anticipated). Just over half way through the Summer season, and ViniiTube is first out of the gate with Fall recommendations. Includes new and returning shows.

ViniiTube 1.06M subs: "Top 10 Most Anticipated New Anime of Fall 2023". Ranked from 10 to 1 (most anticipated). In contrast to the preceding entry, this is for new shows only. Identified by ViniiTube (new) in the entries below.

Yozakura Sensei 3.87K subs: "The Fall 2023 Anime You Should Be Watching". Ordered list from #1 down.

I expect a number of Top 10... channels will put out Top 10 lists for Fall 2023. I'm going to collect their votes for each show without further commentary from me.
-- Anime Town Top 7 // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGc2hhO59fU


It's pretty clear "Sousou no Frieren" (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End) is the locomotive pulling the hype-train this Fall. "Undead Unluck" has the next most interest, followed by, surprisingly, "Kusuriya no Hitorigoto" (The Apothecary Diaries).


Otaku Spirit 14.8K subs: "Same Mistake Again! Fall 2023 Is Too Much?". As of early Sep 2023, MAL lists 62 new TV anime, 8 ONA, and 13 Movies for Fall 2023. If you are annoyed by release delays and schedule issues, this video will shed some light. You'll also get a peek behind-the-scenes of the anime industry.

------------------------------< First Impressions >------------------------------

Gigguk 3.54M subs: "Fall Anime 2023 in a Nutshell". "What am I doing with my life?" G runs through 24 new and returning shows this season with his usual sarcastic commentary, singling out a few for praise. He didn't have much to say about any other shows. I try to capture the tone of his comments and include chapter markers so you can watch for yourself.

Glass Reflection 583K subs: "I Watched EVERY SINGLE NEW ANIME of the Fall 2023 Season...". To be clear, does not include sequels, new seasons, or returning shows. Based on the first episode or three, the rating system describes whether a show will remain on his watch list, or not. GR will "Keep" shows he will continue watching; "Toss" shows he won't be continuing; and "Hold" for those shows that need a few more episodes before deciding. Chapter markers included for your viewing convenience.

Mother's Basement 1.33M subs: "The BEST Anime of Fall 2023 - Ones to Watch". Unranked Top 10 with 15 honorable mentions, aka, the bargain bin. Covering new shows only. Plus some mentions for upcoming shows on Netflix: "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off", "Onimusha", and "Good Night World"

Plus individual videos noted for the appropriate show.

------------------------------< Mid- and Post-season Reviews >------------------------------

Garnt 529K subs: "Ranking Fall 2023 Anime". Some favorites and some least-favorites on a tier list (D < C < B < A < S + Didn't Watch; B is the middle tier.). He doesn't cover every Fall 2023 show - probably because he didn't watch them all (so what is the Didn't Watch tier?) This is an edited version of a 2 hr 37 min stream on the GiggukVOD channel. The VOD version has chapter markers so you can watch your favorite segment in full. There are no chapter markers for the edited version so I estimated time hacks from the transcript.

Mother's Basement 1.34M subs: "HOTTEST TRASH Anime of Fall 2023". Unranked but flaming-trash-receptacle-rated.

I will update this stack as more anime YouTubers release Fall 2023 videos.

Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai. (2025)
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