THE EUROPA CONUNDRUM - Uniform Stealing Board (2024)


For months…when the young woman was at work, jetting around Europe…the woman had entered the unsuspecting girls home….always at a time when the annoying boyfriend was also at his sister’s or mothers abode….no doubt free loading off the goodwill those people as well

The flat was modest but smart and clean….the girls bathroom was like wise small but clean and smartly outfitted….she had checked and used the girl’s cosmetics…a large mirror with a built in surround light made the task easy….she only used a little…never enough for the girl to notice upon her return…..she studied what the girl used on herself…noting the brands, the shades and colours…the perfume the girl wore, what deodorant she sprayed under her arms…..what soap she used in her shower….what shampoo she used on her hair…..purchasing the same items herself later…..only and always using them herself from that moment on

The woman was a deep cover operative….an infiltrator….an assassin, an intelligence gatherer….an agent provocateur…….she assumed identities….she did so for her country…..the reason why was never asked, never contemplated…….she just obeyed, and was very successful and expert at it.
Her skills were almost chameleon like…she studied her prey…learnt their mannerisms, their tastes…assumed their looks….their voices…and temporarily assumed their personality and individual lives…..she was an adroit mimic…her skills where uncanny….and sometimes lethal…..discovered in childhood……raised by the state….trained by the state….and used by the state…..her skills were almost unique

A woman’s unique character, personality and individuality is generally dictated by what they choose to wear….formally and informally….the absent, innocent and unsuspecting young woman was no exception to the rule

The flat was silent…….but from outside one could discern the noise of vehicle traffic…...she paused…co*cked her head…no noise from the apartments above and below….not surprising, it was the working hours of the day where most people were making their way in the world

The woman naturally gravitated to the main bedroom….she stood outside for the moment, the girl had left the door open….this was the inner sanctum, a private place…..eventually she strolled inside, this is where she could discover who the young woman really was…..she had begun by thoroughly perusing the contents of the young woman’s wardrobe….it was a must…she had to get the feel of the female that she had been tasked to replace….without hesitation she had opened doors and slid open draws

She casually examined the various articles of women’s clothing hanging inside the girl’s closets..….at first just looking, sometimes sliding them along rails
She began by checking sizes and styles, she had read and memorized a file, long ago destroyed.

All these garments should fit her…but a professional she was….thorough to the last…..some of the folded and hanging garments would have to be worn by her…..checked for sizing, especially the uniform vital for the plan …the uniform fitting her as if it where her own was fundamental to success..…the civilian clothes were superficial to the mission, they provided an idea of who the girl was as a person, that was all…..which aided her masquerade…..the longer she immersed herself in a persona….the more she delved into who that person was….on all of what that person may be….she would not be this girl for long, unlike previous females she had been assigned…….but she had time with this one…..she planned for all emergencies, like the professional she was……the girls other clothing had no direct outcome for the mission….except she liked too…she enjoyed wearing another woman’s clothes……she enjoyed dressing like them, looking like them….unless it was an emergency, she trained for a role like an actress, this comparison was closer to the truth in what she actually was….and if need be…a lethally trained and experienced actress at that…all the clothes she removed…all that touched her skin would be expertly returned and would appear to be undisturbed…..with no evidence of tampering

The girls flat was mainly an advertisem*nt for IKEA…, bright, modern and smart
Likewise was her bedroom
On that first visit she had lain on the girls double bed…..upon the soft white quilt, her shoes off, her own nylon sheathed toes wiggling…staring at the white ceiling….her head on the used white fluffy pillows…..the pillows smelt of the girls perfume….her scent….the woman was tracking her prey…..eventually she raised herself from the bed and lifted the quilt….she inspected the mattress cover…she sniffed….a musty smell assailed her nostrils…….the girl had recently copulated on the bed and within the bedclothes…..she imagined the sweaty, entwined bodies writhing in pleasure…..the moans…searching tongues….the pumping limbs….her raised long legs gripping his lower back….the gasp of org*sm
She began to be aroused herself

Her lurid and vivid imagination depicted scenes of sexual fantasy… if she herself had taken part
Once sexually aroused her curiosity naturally gravitated over to a set of draws…..a dressing table with a mirror on top…..small mirror…..a place to check an appearance, a last stop, she concluded that it was in the bathroom that the girl always made up her face ready for the day…she imagined the girl just in her skimpy panties, braless….applying lipstick…a small brushing of her face…puckering and smoothing her lips looking at her own gorgeous reflection….her nipples pert and erect

She reached for a hairbrush….oval in shape, large, black and plastic……she looked at her reflection….it was her own……not the girl….yet!
She gently brushed her hair….at the moment, black, above the shoulder, wavy, over her ears…..not in the style of the target….maybe a wig, or a restyling was necessary…she used the girls brush, gentle sweeps…always thinking……yes…she would need to straighten and cut
The small table littered with the bric a brac that a woman used in her daily life….she fingered a tortoiseshell hair clip

The hairbrush was placed back in the exact place from where it had been lifted……..
She reached lower under the table……her heart fluttering a little…..her breathing a little strained
Her fingers found a small ring handle….her hand gently pulling back……the bedroom’s silence broken by the sound of wood sliding on wood

As expected, within a dresser or linen closet, items of the absent girl’s underwear came into view….the woman’s hands gently touched the intimate soft fabrics… rush….no rummaging or rough handling of these satin and silks… her this was her secret pleasure….to be enjoyed
Her breathing slowed….her vision narrowed……she always relished this part of the job
The intimate apparel of another woman…..a private space where only that woman would and should visit… one else… was the ultimate violation….after this there would be no secrets between them
Placing her hands into places they were not supposed to be….her fingers inside garments that had caressed the skin of another woman……in places where only the woman who had purchased them and maybe lovers had been fortunate to see…or too touch
She inspected the draws one by one…taking her time

The Girls tastes in underwear where mostly of foreign brands,no doubt purchased on her flying trips abroad…British made Bra’s…..Spanish and German panties…..Italian nylons she seemed to favour the most…..Italian was good, very good…the operative herself favoured Italian underwear, nodding in appreciation at the sight of an ‘Intimissimi’ label attached to one of the girls brassieres…..stockings and tights of all shades…….a few slips, half slips at that, camisoles…..she noted that the intimate garments where not lacy or frilly affairs….straight cut, seamless……bras and panties of a neat and trim and cut….modern and practical….maybe the odd bow for affect….maybe a little sheer in places…there were no loud or ostentatious colours….just neutral shades, white, black, nude or gray….no mix of patterns, lacy trim….she noted a certain bra that she lusted to wear immediately….but no…not yet…not here

Overall she approved of the girls various choices and styles….all was of good quality…..not the underwear of a housewife or trophy type of woman….the undies where that of a modern working woman…a professional…yet still sexy in their simplicity
She noted the absence of any sex toys hidden within the draws….the normal space a woman would keep such an article of intimate pleasure…..maybe tucked away under a few short nylon nightdresses…under a slip or a nightgown…....she discovered underneath a few neatly folded silky and lacy cami’s the secret place where the girl had stashed her sanitary products

On that first visit she had been quick….it was a reconnaissance only…..
At that time she had quickly removed her outer clothes…….in her own black underwear she had selected one of the girl’s dresses….a navy blue one piece, smart, open necked… above the knee…..she had stepped into the dress…zipped it from the back…….and then inspected her reflection in the full length wall mirror…..the dress fitted her like it was her own……a pair of shoes…heels….again her size…no issues there…a nice snug fit…black low heeled office type shoes
She quickly removed the dress and shoes….in her black bra and bikini panties she returned the items as they had been before….oblivious and not caring at all that she was only partially dressed in a strangers bedroom
She had redressed quickly and quietly left the apartment….nobody would know….nobody would even suspect that she had been there

That night, she was in her safe house
A detached house, secluded, in a leafy suburb. The house had no floors, what the English call a bungalow.
It was rundown; the landlord was one of theirs. He had given her the keys, nothing else, he asked no questions. He was not to return for six months and then only to clean up….to destroy any evidence that she had never been there
The interior of the house was spartan….
She now sat in the main bedroom…it only contained a bed…a threadbare rug….a clothes rack….an old brown wooden dressing table with a mirror…an old kitchen chair
In low light she sat there…staring at her reflection…the bedroom full of shadow…..curtains drawn
There was complete silence…….nothing
She sat there….silent….her toned body, lithe and fit
The band and straps of the white bra prominent on her back…..a sheer band…U backed in shape…clasped
White panties…..full backed…High hipped…..tight on her hard rounded backside
Her reflection revealed that the bra cups where also sheer…her round brown nipples, small…. easily visible inside the white gauze like cup…..rounded luscious breasts….the bra created a deep cleavage

She stared at her reflection….her upper body….her lips coated in bright red lipstick…..the shade mainly favoured by the young woman…especially when she was at work…it was one of the girl’s spare lipsticks…nearly used up…pilfered from her bathroom….not one that she would likely miss

Her gaze shifted to three photographs taken of the girl…all distance shots…no close ups yet….

She reached for her hair….both arms now raised….the white sheer bra more prominent…sheer rear bands tight on her back….the nipples even more noticeable….she adjusted her hair, comparing it the photographs…pulling it tight…making her facial features more conspicuous…she pouted her lips….she looked sexy….foxy

She was sitting at the small, old dresser in the girls’ underwear…the panties at the front were also sheer…they matched the bra…..when she had left the girls bedroom she had taken the underclothes….this was the bra that she instantly liked…..she needed a physical link to her target…..she imagined the girl wearing them…underneath her clothes on a night out….or at work…..or just shopping

This was just the start….her assignment had begun

The next day….the underwear was back in its normal place….as if the garments had never been disturbed….heavens above that they had even been used…worn by someone other than the woman who had purchased them for her own personal use

The next day…She had waited….sat in the old Fiat car provided by the landlord…..parked across from the block of flats…..blending in with the surroundings
Eventually a taxi had arrived…from within emerged the young woman…complete in her beige air line uniform…..a tight uniform on a tight body…..she was wearing a uniform long coat against the morning chill….she was not wearing her side cap…..her hair tightly styled in a bun, pulled back high on her forehead..…she looked small from a distance…even from the car she looked petite and pretty….vulnerable and unprotected ….someone easy to subdue

The girl….lifting her flight luggage disappeared into the building
The woman in the car looked up…her head lowered at where the flat windows were located…..on the third floor
The waiting woman imagined what would soon be happening in the flat above…a flat she now knew the complete layout of
The girl would be tired…sweaty…a little dirty…she had had a long 48 hours…..
She would be stripping off her uniform….her underclothes falling away…pulling off those sweaty, clinging tights…releasing her sweaty chest from the restrictive and tight brassiere….stepping out of soiled panties
Heeled shoes discarded
Her jewellery and trinkets removed… removed with cotton wool pads
Her naked body under a hot steaming shower in that nice bathroom….her soft skin lathered in soap
Her hands rinsing thick perfumed shampoo
Afterwards her reddened naked and refreshed body would be in that white terry cloth robe that she had seen hanging inside the bathroom door
She would be in her flat….the sanctity and safety of her bedroom….selecting a fresh pair of panties to wear…unaware that another woman had just recently ran her hands through those same soft and silky undies…a stranger had taken and worn one of her bras….tried on one of her dresses…slipped foreign feet into a pair of her shoes…that this interloper had paraded in front of her full length mirror….half naked
That woman…that stranger was preparing to be her….little did she know

The woman in the car wondered if the girl had purchased any new clothing in those foreign lands…..
Well…she would find out soon enough
She spoke to herself, softly ‘I will look after them for you Darling…..and very tenderly too’

From this first humble visit….starting very slowly she had planned her transformation and the usurpation of someone else’s identity….. her future assignment had began

The woman waited patiently, taking pictures wherever possible on her cell phone…. an untraceable device, literally a burn phone….she waited outside the apartment block which was situated on a fairly busy street…..she followed the girl to work…..followed her when she had time off….
She noted that girl often frequented a café…sipping expensive coffee with her friends on and around plush sofas and chairs….the establishment was festooned with art deco…1920s and 30s….heavy on Dada type art, lots of Warhol imitations, Che Guevara and Bauhaus….. anti war, anti Fascist…..and anti Communist… doubt these bohemians were anti capitalist……she scoffed at these hypocritical pretensions as she noted how well dressed and healthy these people appeared to be….especially the women….they hardly represented the starving masses as they sipped their expensive lattes and nibbled on French pastries….

She always felt a thrill when the flight attendant left for a trip …….she watched the uniformed female in her beige outfit wiggle herself into the waiting taxi….
She gave the departed taxi 20 minutes……and then she made her way into the building

As her visits increased, the stays became longer…..and more extensive every time
Progressive learning ensued…at first she stood in the full mirror…wearing the girls bras and panties…noting sets….noting underwear that mixed and matched well….what went with and suited the clothes in the closet
She had recorded her voice…snatched moments on when they had been close….times like when she had laughed in the coffee shop…..ordered food….collected dry cleaning….or visited friends and relatives

At a subway tram stop she had even asked the girl direction..…pretending to be a tourist
As they briefly conversed she took in the girls eyes…her makeup…her small mouth, she had good teeth….her thin eyebrows and lashes…..they were nearly the same height…the same build and bust
The subway was hectic…people travelling to and fro….intent on reaching their individual destinations
It was loud and smelled of machinery….the overhead lighting not very good….rather dim in fact
She had watched the girl leave as she had finished asking the stranger’s questions…..the girl had thought that she had been helpful….and she had been really helpful indeed to the smartly dressed woman….the girl boarded an heavily congested tram….going to her sisters for the day
She had failed to fully notice the woman who had asked what tram went to Podolsk…a suburb to the East of the city…..
If she had not been so indifferent to the threat….and how would she know and why would she be alarmed….she had done nothing to nobody…..she may have taken a little more notice on what the woman had worn…and maybe on how she had looked
The woman hair was black….tight on her head… a bun
A thin face….red lipstick
A black belted mackintosh
Underneath she had worn a black miniskirt……a purple turtleneck long sleeved merino wool sweater
Her legs encased in black 60 Denier tights….good for cold and wet days…like today
Unseen by all and underneath her clothes… seamless hipster panties and a plain full cupped black bra
Low heeled black shoes rounded off her outfit
The woman smiled…if only the girl had recognized her own clothing when it had been paraded in front of her face….then her future trauma and dilemma may have ended quite differently

This partial transformation had taken time and care….it had been a test….the girl had failed in one important area…her lack of situational awareness….her lack of realizing that strangers could be dangerous…all important for the success of the switch

By then she had been delving well into the girl’s clothes and persona…….
She used the girl’s makeup….her shower
She had urinated in her toilet…..wiped herself with her tissue paper
Items of her jewellery were on her body…..her hair clips and her rings on the operative’s fingers….a necklace of the girl was around another’s neck and sat on her chest bone

She began liberally using her clothes…trying them on as she assumed the girl would….basing her styles on what she had seen on the girl’s body so far
She pulled on her knee length boots…ankle boots…heeled court shoes…stiletto’s….office heels, mules….ballet flats…sandals and ankle strapped shoes…the girl had lots of shoes…a multitude of pairs that matched lots of outfits…she had a good sense style, more than average for this culturally backward cesspit of a country ….no doubt picked up on her foreign travels

The woman had surmised this hypothesis when standing again in front of the mirror……admiring one of her new looks…..her hips and thighs were gorgeously embellished in a tight light grey pencil skirt that flared around her lower leg calf’s…..tight on her rounded stomach……one could discern the Vee of the turquoise green bodysuit that she wore underneath…. The bodysuit was tight over the curves of her bosom…..not a hint or trace of the black bra worn underneath….just the delicious curves of her breasts within another of the girl’s brassieres
Her feet in black… shoes, seamless tights, invisible under the tight skirt……her toes had no nail varnish

When the girl returned to her apartment the woman was always there…waiting in her car….watching….learning….how she walked….her gait… she posed her head….how she smiled….did she grimace…….she did not smile much, which made her task easier… most East Europeans she tended to appear grim and angry most of the time

Never once did she hear a commotion from within the building…..a howl of female outrage…a police car never pulled up outside….officers responding to a break in ……the woman covered up her nefarious activities superbly…whatever was used was returned to the exact same place and in the same order…what needed to be cleaned was clean
The girl had no idea that her intimate world had been violated….her home used by another

As her visits increased the woman became more immersed in the world of the girl she intended to replace
She noted the girls grey cotton white laced trimmed nightie….it would sit high on the thigh…..she went to the laundry basket situated in small utility room, complete with a spin dry washing machine…she opened the wicker lid and rummaged around in the dirty linen…..she found a cotton pair of white bikini panties…comfy….ideal for slumber…she inspected them….inside and out…used, but not that bad
She soon had both garments on…..jumped inside the girls bed, rolled herself in the soft white quilt and took a nap

Yes…outrageous it was….any person with a moral compass would totally agree…..but she needed to feel as the girl would….feel the same things she would

Sometimes she sat on the girls sofa, watching TV…sipping a coffee…..catching up on news, maybe one of those Latin soap operas with the excessively sexy women in tight clothing running around everyplace….she enjoyed the damsel in peril acts…..even more so when one of them escaped from a hospital or prison…as these scenes normally involved a knocked out and subsequently gagged and bound female victim….it seemed they liked that sort of thing in the Latin world….and so did she

She was normally fully dressed, trying out combinations of the girls various outfits……other times she padded around just in the girls’ underwear….but on these occasions when watching TV she was normally sporting one of the girl’s trendy outfits
She sat in skirts, slacks or jeans…she really liked the girls latex/nylon sports pants, figure hugging, almost like a second skin…..she also remembered a nice outfit, the girl had a skirt suit….short skirt, a purple shiny satin blouse…..charcoal grey sheer to waist tights….black high heeled pumps….black jacket…..and of course the woman had helped herself, hidden in a chest of draws….a set of black bikini panties and a bra…..she had sat there…..sat under her legs…caressing the nylon that encased those same slender legs…..kneading her breasts like they were dough….feeling the girls bra on her breasts…another hand between her legs…stroking her panties gusset under the soft grey mesh……wonderful….so wonderful that the panties and tights had to be laundered after their unsolicited and secret use

However, time was moving on …….she had been doing this routine for months
Her hair was cut in the style of the girl…..outside the apartment and safe house she now wore a good wig that was in her old style….longer black hair in light waves…a little full, a little wild
In the next 48 hours the switch would be made

Close to that day, it was one of the spare uniforms that was nearly her undoing….
She stayed too long in the girls flat….. Immersed in her private perversion of wearing another woman’s clothes…..helping herself to another female’s persona……she was getting good at looking and moving like her target
After in-depth research into the girls clothing…she had kept the girls uniform for testing until nearly the last….after all, it was her uniform that she intended to steal from her luscious little body….the girl had been issued three….when she wore one…another two were spare in her closet….a separate closet too…..she had kept her work clothes and accessories separate from her everyday attire

The closet was very neat and organised….
On neat clothes hangers……
The uniform skirts and short, there were five almost sheer short sleeved boat neck blouses…..short to waist trimmed beige coloured tunics
The top shelf displayed spare pillbox hats……side caps really…sporting the airline logo
On the closet floor were four pairs of identical cream coloured patent high heeled court shoes…..
The closet….had built in on the left hand side numerous compartments….within theses draws…one each stored items of underwear and accessories required for a female flight attendant to be just that
One for nude coloured bras
One for nude coloured panties
Another contained light tan tights…very sheer to waist…..a low numbered denier….expensive
There were three unopened packets of brand new tights in there
Another draw contained doe skinned cream gloves…air line neck scarfs
Another hair clips, bands and so forth

And there she was that day, standing in the bedroom mirror……
Fully dressed a s flight attendant……standing at attention…..and then sticking her ass out….leg arched
A short skimpy cream coloured skirt….legs in tan coloured hose….a light sheen on her legs…..high heeled court shoes
She arched her back….pushing her chest forward….the flared wide collared tunic open……she could discern the nude coloured bra cups underneath the light sheer blouse…..
The neck scarf tied around her slim neck…..the red lip stick and dark eyes
Her hair tied tight…clipped and turned into a tight bun…..high on the forehead….pencil thin highbrows…..the uniform cap at a jaunty angle
A colour photograph hung by cello tape on the glass…..the image stared back
The girl dressed the same way….looking the same as the person who now paraded in front of her closet mirror….someone wearing her other spare uniform items….and her spare undies

While this profanity was occurring the real flight attendant was currently hundreds of miles away….unaware that her intimate world was being violated….unaware that her identity was at risk….the strange and dangerous woman standing in her bedroom…wearing her clothes…dressed exactly as she was…at this same time, yet in a different place…..when she had smiled serving drinks at 20 000 feet another woman in her bedroom had been slipping on her bra and panties….peeling on her tights…..slipping feet into her shoes and squeezing into her uniform….

The woman desecrating the bedroom was happy with herself and her reflection
Her reflection was nearly 95% of that displayed on the photograph…..
She placed her hands on her hips…..legs crossed… too
Her nails, fingers and toes now sported a red nail varnish……the same that was on her victim
She had followed the girl to a local swimming pool….in her black one piece was an excellent swimmer
But that was not was what she was after…..her goal was achieved…..the girls toe nails were red…..and where red every time she went swimming

She had lost track of time……by now she should well away from the flat
But she had liked the feel of the uniform…it suited her good looks

And then there was a loud bang outside….metal on metal…a pause and then shouting from the street outside….she quickly left the bedroom… a short time she was in the living room…..she eased back the closed drapes and looked down into the street below
Two cars had collided …..Buckled fenders and smoke……the drivers were loudly arguing….her red nails held the drape…..the police would arrive soon….time to leave……she was late as it was
She made to move…..back to the bedroom to undress and place all the garments back to where they were supposed to be
She stopped again….sh*t

It was the boyfriend….he was supposed to be at work, when his girlfriend was out of town he never came to the flat he was normally chasing skirt from within his workplace
He was walking fast….she would never have time to change
Her head started to fill with solutions on how to hide and then move a body…..

Again…...something happened…a reprieve…maybe for him at least

He was stopped…..a driver was asking him something and pointing…..they was arguing……she thought maybe the driver was a witness… looked intense……a crowd was starting to gather……this was the delay she needed

She speedily went back to the bedroom and quickly began to undress
Has carefully as possible she placed the uniform items back in the closet……exactly were they had been before

Pillbox hat…..followed by the neck scarf
Tunic back on the rack…she brushed it quickly
She unzipped the skirt and stepped out it……no creases
The court shoes back in place
She released the button at the base of her neck…….the blouse became loose…she took off the flimsy garment and hung it with others….it hung there looking no different
She stood there in tights, panties and bra….tan hose and nude undies…..the panties were high hip, full on the rear… VPL when worn with the skirt……bra was plain cupped with a large band…U shaped

Time….surely he must be on his way
She closed the closet…..
On the bed were her real clothes…..
She pulled on over her head the navy blue T shirt…V necked
Pulled on her jeans and buttoned them up…..tights still on underneath

This was going to be close…..she put on her short leather jacket

She found her black sneakers…..
Her shoulder bag……she snatched the girl in uniform photograph from the closet mirror and stuffed it into the bag…….she vacated the bedroom

She had just left the flat….the door lock clicked…she moved position as if leaving the flat next door….the boyfriend…a very arty and nerdy looking sort , complete with spectacles and goatee…..just turned the corridor from the stairwell

They made eye contact ‘Hi’ she said
‘Hello….’he looked flustered ‘The elevator is out…again’
‘Thanks…and typical’ she walked on by
He was looking for a key in his jacket ‘You’re new here right’, looking over his shoulder
He was looking at her now, taking her in, like the love rat he was…..good looking…..great body and tit*… fact she looked sort of familiar
‘Hey’ he pointed, and clicked his fingers; self assured bastard ‘You look a lot like my girlfriend….she lives here’….pointing to the door she had just left
She tried to change the subject ‘What was all that noise about outside’
‘Oh that…two idiots who can’t drive…tried to get me involved’ he squinted and smiled ‘God, you don’t half look like her…maybe sisters’
‘I just moved in…I don’t know anybody…especially from across the hall….until now I have not seen anybody leave or enter’ she said
‘Maybe’ he complained ‘I don’t see her much, she’s always working’
‘Office’ she wanted to get away
‘Nope’ still smiling ‘She’s in Airlines…a trolley dolly’
‘That doesn’t sound a nice way to describe a girlfriend’ she decided to play the insulted fellow female
‘Bye’ she said and haughtily went on her business
‘See Ya’ as he watched her depart….key in the lock
He was looking at her ass in those tight jeans…..
Good God, she looked like Oksana though, those red lips and tight hair….same eyes, shape, everything
Not for one moment thinking that this good looking woman….a lookalike of someone he new intimately …… who was rushing off from the flat opposite, towards the stairs..…was wearing his girlfriend’s panties, tights and bra underneath those tight jeans and T shirt
Which unknown to him right now would result in accusations that would have an impact to his reputation as a man….and not in the too far in the future either?
It had been a close run thing….back in the old Fiat outside and on the street…she had gritted her teeth and swore aloud…..she remembered that she had left her own black underwear in the bedroom….her feet had probably shifted the garments under the double bed….she looked up at the flat….lights were on…..too late now…..this would be her last visit….the switch would happen on the girls next run

THE EUROPA CONUNDRUM - Uniform Stealing Board (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.