States that Pay for Homeschooling: 16 States That Give You Money | PlanItHomeschool (2024)

Did you know there are some states that pay for homeschooling?

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Keep reading to discover the hidden benefits of getting paid for homeschooling and learn whether or not your state is one of the lucky ones.

In this blog post, I’ll set you up with everything you need, including:

  • Understanding the legal requirements
  • Finding helpful budgeting resources
  • How to start getting financial support for homeschooling

⭐I’ve even included my homeschooling budgeting freebie for you!

The freebie is a 30+ page how-to guide for homeschool budgeting FREE PRINTABLE with 3 fillable budget planner options!

Say goodbye to financial worries and hello to a rewarding homeschooling experience!

Table of Contents

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States that Pay for Homeschooling: 16 States That Give You Money | PlanItHomeschool (1)

Understanding the Financial Benefits of Homeschooling

By choosing to homeschool, you not only have control over your child’s curriculum, you also have various financial opportunities that can help ease the burden of educational expenses.

From tax deductions to state-sponsored programs, homeschooling families can explore many options to not only enrich their children’s education but also keep their bank accounts in check.

Tax Deductions

Tax deductions are a significant financial benefit that homeschooling families can take advantage of.

In several states that pay for homeschooling, certain expenses such as textbooks, supplies, and educational materials can be deducted from your taxable income.

This can result in considerable savings and provide you with extra funds. You can use this money to invest in additional resources for your child’s education.

Make sure to consult with a tax professional or refer to your state’s specific regulations to understand the specifics.

Grants for Homeschooling

There are some states that pay for homeschooling through grants or reimbursem*nts for educational expenses.

These programs vary from state to state, but they often provide financial support for curricula, textbooks, online courses, and extracurricular activities.

The availability and eligibility criteria for these programs differ, so it’s important to research and understand what your state offers.

Saving Money by Choosing to Homeschool

Another aspect to consider while researching states that pay for homeschooling are the potential savings on transportation and other related expenses.

With homeschooling, you eliminate the need to spend money on daily commuting, school supplies, uniforms, or lunches.

These savings can quickly add up over time, providing you with additional resources to invest in educational materials, field trips, or specialized tutors.

Homeschool Budgeting Freebie!

It’s important to keep in mind that while homeschooling provides financial benefits, it also requires careful budgeting and financial planning.

You’ll need to consider costs such as curriculum materials, educational resources, and any extracurricular activities your child may participate in.

By setting a realistic budget and exploring all available financial assistance programs in your state, you can ensure that homeschooling remains financially feasible.

Want a freebie to help you do just that? Download your homeschool budgeting freebie below! 🎉

Understanding the financial benefits of homeschooling is just one piece of the puzzle.

In the next section, we will explore the legal requirements that homeschooling parents must navigate to comply with state regulations.

States That Pay for Homeschooling: Legal Requirements

In addition to the financial savings, homeschooling parents must also familiarize themselves with the legal requirements of receiving money from states that pay for homeschooling.

Each state has its own set of regulations regarding homeschooling. It’s important to understand and comply with these laws to ensure a smooth homeschooling journey.

State Homeschooling Laws

The first step in navigating the legal requirements is to understand the homeschooling laws specific to your state.

Some states require parents to submit a letter of intent to homeschool, while others may require more detailed documentation such as attendance records, curriculum plans, and progress reports.

It’s very important to be aware of these requirements and make sure you’re following them.

Many states have specific qualifications for homeschooling parents, such as a high school diploma, or the completion of a homeschooling orientation course.

It’s essential to take any necessary steps to make sure you meet these qualifications.

By understanding the legal requirements of homeschooling, you cover your bases so your family can continue homeschooling for as long as you’d like.

Up next, the part you’ve been waiting for: everything you need to know about states that pay for homeschooling!

List of States that Pay for Homeschooling

If you’re looking for financial support in funding your homeschooling journey, it’s essential to be aware of the states that pay for homeschooling.

Please note you’ll want to be sure to research payment information and rules on your own.

Any dollar amounts listed may change but were accurate at the time of writing.

Also note that certain stipulations often apply to receive money, as is often the case when receiving “free money” from the government.

For example: For most of that states listed below that offer ESA funds, homeschooled children must first be enrolled in the public schools for at least 100 days to be able to qualify. Only then may the parents apply for the ESA.

Is yours one of the states that pay for homeschooling? Find out below!


The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development offers a program called the Alaska State-Operated Boarding Schools and Home School Program.

Through this program, eligible families can receive funding of about $2,000 to support their homeschooling efforts.


The Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program in Arizona provides parents with funds that can be used for a variety of educational expenses, including homeschooling resources and materials.

Families can receive scholarships of around $7,000 for educational expenses that qualify.


Under the LEARNS Act in Arkansas, families can gain access to Education Freedom Accounts, which can be used to cover a variety of school-related expenses.

Eligible families can get financial support each year equaling approximately $6,600 per child.


California provides financial support for families that enroll online in public or hybrid charter schools.

Many charter school options exist, such as The Learning Choice Academy.

If you meet the requirements, you can receive between $2,800 to $3,200 per year, depending on your child’s age.


Florida offers the Family Empowerment Scholarship which provides funds to families of children with certain special needs, including those who are homeschooled.

The state offers generous compensation for homeschooling, up to about $8,000 per year if approved.


Idaho has a program, called the Empowering Parents Program, to help families with purchasing the resources needed to educate their children successfully.

Eligible families can receive $1,000 per student (max of $3,000 per household).


The state of Illinois has an Education Expanse Credit option that is available for both public and nonpublic school students.

Eligible families can earn a credit of $250 per year but must reapply annually.


Indiana has one of the easier options for getting paid for homeschooling.

Through a tax deduction, homeschoolers in Indiana can receive about $1,000 per child.


Iowa provides the opportunity for families to apply for educational funding.

The state’s Empowerment Scholarship Account can award you $7,635 for educational homeschooling expenses, while enrolled full-time in an accredited nonpublic school.


Louisiana has a generous homeschool reward for those that qualify.

Through the state’s School Expense Deduction, families can earn a $5,000 tax deduction, with increasing deduction amounts for multi-child families.

New Hampshire

In New Hampshire, Education Freedom Accounts give nonpublic school students the opportunity to apply for funds to support their unique education journey.

The state will give about $4,700 to those who are eligible for this program.


Oklahoma offers the Homeschool Tax Credit Act for families that qualify and pay for expenses for an eligible homeschooler.

Those who are awarded funds can receive a refundable income tax credit of up to $1,000 per eligible student.


Oregon residents can earn additional money to fund their child’s education if they enroll in a charter school.

Although it’s technically not homeschooling, at charters like The Oregon Family Charter School the majority of student’s work at this school is done at home.

And, students at this school get a stipend of between $800-$1,500 per year for enrolling.


Tennessee has recently added the option for students in certain areas of the state to apply for an Educational Savings Account.

If chosen, eligible families that attend nonpublic schools could receive up to $7,000.


Utah is another state that offers an Educational Savings Account.

This state’s version is called the Utah Fits All Scholarship, for which families that are chosen that be awarded up to $8,000 for support with the costs of education.

West Virginia

West Virginia is the last state on this list.

Although this state has a scholarship that can help with homeschooling, the Hope Scholarship not a popular choice for most homeschoolers in the state.

To qualify, students must enroll in a WV public school and attend full-time for at least 45 days, AND they must be enrolled until a decision is reached about their scholarship.


In conclusion, homeschooling not only gives you a personalized education option but also the potential for financial compensation in select states.

By understanding the financial benefits, navigating legal requirements, and figuring out the states that pay for homeschooling, families can get paid to homeschool.

Now you’re to take the next step towards saving money while homeschooling.

Explore the specific states that pay for homeschooling, reach out to fellow homeschooling families, and take advantage of the wide variety of homeschooling resources.

Don’t forget to download your FREEBIE here! 👇

Before You Go, Comment Below!

Do you live in one of the states that pay for homeschooling?

What other helpful money-saving tips for homeschooling do you use?

Comment below! I look forward to talking with you in the comments!

For everything homeschool, we can PlanIt! ♥


States that Pay for Homeschooling: 16 States That Give You Money | PlanItHomeschool (2024)
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