The Siege of Orgrimmar is a raid instance introduced in World ofWarcraft Patch 5.4. The encounters can be performed in 10-man and 25-manformats, as well as in LFR and flexible raid formats. The 10 and25-man formats also have an unlockable heroic mode setting. This raidrepresents Tier 16, in terms of progression, and it is intended to bethe third and final raiding tier of the Mists of Pandaria expansion.
The entrance to the Siege of Orgrimmar is located in the easternpart of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, below the stairs leading up to Mogu'shanPalace.
The raid instance houses 14 boss encounters.
Boss Guides
Currently, we offer you the following strategy guides:
The Fallen Protectors
Sha of Pride
Iron Juggernaut
Kor'kron Dark Shaman
General Nazgrim
Spoils of Pandaria
Thok the Bloodthirsty
Paragons of the Klaxxi
Siegecrafter Blackfuse
Garrosh Hellscream
Overview of the Bosses
Immerseus is the first boss of the instance. This encounter is arepeating sequence of two identical phases, which eventually leads to thedemise of the boss. The boss is not complicated from a tactical point of view,but it will put your raid's synergy and gear to the test.
The Fallen Protectors is the second encounter in the raid. This is acouncil-type fight, during which you will face three bosses at the same time.This fight challenges your raid members' ability to position themselvescorrectly at all times, as well as their ability to react to mechanics andmove accordingly.
The Norushen encounter is the third fight in the Siege of Orgrimmar.Your raid will be assisting Norushen by fighting against a boss called theAmalgam of Corruption. This fight takes place in two different realms, muchlike the encounters against Valiona and Theralion in The Bastion of Twilight andagainst Gara'jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu'shan Vaults.
The fourth boss is the Sha of Pride, the seventh prime Sha. This is thefinal boss before the raid reaches the gates of Orgrimmar, and it is acreative and very intense fight. Raid members will have to very carefullymanage a fight-specific resource called Pride.
Galakras is the fifth boss of the raid. This is a fight that will remindWrath of the Lich King raiders of the encounter against Razorscale. Insimilar fashion, players will have to defeat mobs and use Anti-Air turretsto bring the proto-drake boss down to the ground where it can be fought.
Before the very gates of Orgrimmar, your raid will have to faceIron Juggernaut. The in-game Dungeon Journal fittingly describes this boss asa mechanical terror. The large boss alternates between two phases,one where it is mobile, and a shorter phase where it is stationary. Defeatingthis boss allows your raid to finally enter Orgrimmar.
The Kor'kron Dark Shaman is the seventh boss encounter in the Siege ofOrgrimmar. Your raid will face two Shamans in a twins-type of fight. Thebosses share health, and the fight becomes more difficult and more complexas the bosses' health drops lower.
General Nazgrim, the prominent Horde lore figure, is the eighth boss inthe Siege of Orgrimmar. This is the final encounter that takes place in thecity of Orgrimmar proper. During the fight, your raid will face Nazgrimhimself, who functions very similarly to the Warrior character class, as wellas a large number of adds.
Malkorok, an Orc, is the ninth boss in the Siege of Orgrimmar raidinstance. This boss is located in some sort of underground area of Orgrimmarthat seems to have been unlocked only as part of the Siege of Orgrimmar, sinceit is not accessible in-game otherwise. This remains the case with all bossesfollowing Molkorok. This is a very challenging fight. It has a short enragetimer, and it will require the utmost focus from your entire raid.
The next three boss encounters can be performed in any order.
The Spoils of Pandaria is an unusual fight, where your raid will not haveto face any boss. Rather, you will have to split up into two teams,each one opening a multitude of crates which release adds that must bedefeated. Your raid must effectively clear the room in a given amount of timein order to succeed.
Thok the Bloodthirsty is a giant devilsaur who is holding three friendlyNPCs captive, and your raid will have to release them throughout the fight.Unfortunately for the NPCs, as soon as they are free, Thok devours them,obtaining their abilities and using them against your raid.
Siegecrafter Blackfuse is a rather complex encounter, during which yourraid will have to not only fight against Blackfuse, but also contend with alarge number of the boss' gadgets and devices.
Once these three bosses are defeated, your raid will be able to accessthe thirteenth encounter in the Siege of Orgrimmar. The Paragons of the Klaxxihave stayed true to their word, and have respected their allegiance to the OldGods. As such, you must now fight and defeat them if you are to continuethrough the instance. The fight will pit your raid up against all 9 Paragons,although you will only ever fight 3 of them at the same time.
With the Klaxxi out of the way, your raid will finally have access to thegrand prize: Garrosh Hellscream himself. Garrosh, now under the sway ofY'Shaarj's legacy, will release the brunt of his power against your raid ina gruelling multiple-phase fight.
- 13 Sep. 2013: Updated the page to state that Spoils of Pandaria, Thok, and Siegecrafter Blackfuse can be attempted in any order.
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