Orgrimmar Portals & Zeppelins - World of Warcraft Dragonflight - Warcraft Tavern (2025)

Exploration Guide

Orgrimmar Portals & Zeppelins - World of Warcraft Dragonflight - Warcraft Tavern (2)


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Emerald Dream




Orgrimmar is the orc capital city and the main hub of the Horde. Located in Durotar on the continent of Kalimdor, it will be the jumping off point for most of your adventures if you’re playing a Horde character. In a sense, all roads lead to Orgrimmar: there are dozens of ways to get to and from the city, making travel between zones, continents, and even worlds a lot easier once you know where to go.

For this guide, we will focus on the three main transit centers in Orgrimmar. We’ll cover where to find them and where they go. These areas are:

  • The Orgrimmar Portal Room
  • The Orgrimmar zeppelins
  • The Cataclysm portals

The Orgrimmar Portal Room

The Orgrimmar Portal Room is also called the Pathfinder’s Den. It’s located inside the main gate to the city.

To find it, pass through the main gate and look for a doorway on the left. Descend the stairs and you will see the main portal room. A stairway on the left leads down to a second room with three more portals.

If none of the portals are active, you may need to complete the Battle for Azeroth introductory quests. Check out our BFA Intro Guide for a detailed walkthrough.

Some portals will not be available until you complete certain quests.

This portal leads to Dalaran in the Crystalsong Forest zone of Northrend.

For help navigating Northrend, check out our How to Get to Northrend guide.

This portal leads to Honeydew Village in the Jade Forest zone of Pandaria.

To unlock this portal, you must complete the quest The Final Blow! For a detailed walkthrough, check out our How to Get to Pandaria guide.

This portal leads to Dazar’alor in the Zuldazar zone of Zandalar.

After you go through this portal, you will be right next to portals toSilvermoon,Thunder Bluff, andSilithus, as well as a portal toNazjatarif you have unlocked it.

To unlock this portal, you must complete the questSpeaker of the Horde. For a detailed walkthrough, check out ourBFA Intro Guide and our How to Get to Zandalar guide..

There is also a boat to Zuldazar that docks at the Echo Isles in Durotar, south of Orgrimmar.

This portal leads to Crumbled Palace in the Azsuna zone of Broken Isles.

If you can fly, you can use this portal to quickly get to New Dalaran, which is nearby.

To unlock this portal, you must complete the quest In the Blink of an Eye. For a detailed walkthrough, check out our Legion Intro Guide.

For help navigating the Broken Isles, check out our How to Get to the Broken Isles guide.

This portal leads to the city of Oribos in Shadowlands.

To unlock this portal, you must complete the quest A Doorway Through the Veil. To start this questline, pick up Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons from Highlord Darion Mograine in front of Grommash Hold.

For help navigating the Shadowlands, check out our How to Get to the Shadowlands guide.

This portal leads to Valdrakken in the Thaldraszus zone of Dragon Isles.

Within Valdrakken you will also find portals to New Dalaran, Jade Forest, and Shadowmoon Valley.

To unlock this portal, you must complete the quest To Valdrakken.

There is also a zeppelin to the Dragon Isles just south of Orgrimmar.

For help navigating the Dragon Isles, check out our How to Get to the Dragon Isles guide.

This portal leads to Silvermoon City in the Eversong Woods zone of Eastern Kingdoms.

This portal leads to Warspear in the Ashran zone of Draenor.

For help navigating Draenor, check out our How to Get to Draenor guide.

This portal leads to Caverns of Time in the Tanaris zone of Kalimdor.

When you go through this portal, there will be a Steward of Time hovering nearby. If you speak to him, he can fly you down into the caverns.

This portal leads to Shattrath in the Terokkar Forest zone of Outland.

After you go through this portal, the portal to the Isle of Quel’Danas will be directly across from you.

For help navigating Outland, check out our How to Get to Outland guide.

Speaking to this NPC will teleport you to The Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands zone of Eastern Kingdoms.

Note that there is no return portal from this location.

For help navigating Outland, check out our How to Get to Outland guide.

Cataclysm Portals in Orgrimmar

The Cataclysm portals are located in the Western Earthshrine, which is on the plateau north of the Valley of Wisdom. All of these portals require level 30 to use, as that is the minimum level for the zones they connect to.

This portal leads to Nordrassil in the Mount Hyjal zone of Kalimdor.

To unlock this portal, you must complete the quest As Hyjal Burns. To start this questline, pick up Warchief’s Command: Mount Hyjal! from the Warchief’s Command Board.

This portal leads to the Temple of Earth in the Deepholm zone of The Maelstrom.

This portal leads to Smugglar’s Scar in the Kelp’thar Forest zone of Vashj’ir, an underwater region that is connected to Eastern Kingdoms.

To unlock this portal, you must complete the quest The Eye of the Storm, which is offered by Farseer Krogar in the Western Earthshrine.

Note that there is no return portal from this location.

This portal leads to Dragonmaw Port in the Twilight Highlands zone of Eastern Kingdoms.

To unlock the return portal, you must complete the quest Muddied Waters. To start this questline, pick up Warchief’s Command: Twilight Highlands! from the Warchief’s Command Board.

This portal leads to Ramkahen in the Uldum zone of Kalimdor.

When you arrive, you will be in the Uldum of the current timeline. To travel to the zone at the time of Cataclysm, you can talk to Zidormi, who is nearby and marked on the map.

Note that there is no return portal from this location.

This portal leads to Hellscream’s Grasp in the Tol Barad Peninsula zone of Eastern Kingdoms.

This portal is different from the others in the Western Earthshrine and looks more like a typical mage portal.

The Orgrimmar Zeppelins

A few different zeppelins dock in and around Orgrimmar on a regular schedule. You may also board boats and zeppelins in the area for one-time quest transportation.

The regular zeppelins dock at zeppelin towers on the high mesa at the center of the city. There is also one zeppelin that docks at a tower just south of the city.

At the top of the eastern zeppelin tower, you’ll find a portal to Undercity. Where this portal actually leads depends upon your current timeline. By default your timeline is based on your level.

Cataclysm Timeline (Below Level 50)

This portal leads to Undercity in the Tirisfal Glades zone of Eastern Kingdoms.

After you go through it, you will be right next to a portal that leads to Hellfire Peninsula in Outland.

Note that there is no return portal from this location.

Current Timeline (Above Level 50)

This portal will put you outside the burned remains of Undercity in the Tirisfal Glades zone of Eastern Kingdoms.

When you arrive, you will be in the Tirisfal Glades of the current timeline. To travel to the zone before it was altered in the Shadowlands expansion, you can talk to Zidormi, who is nearby and marked on the map. This will transform Undercity into the bustling capital of the undead it once was.

Note that there is no return portal from this location.

A zeppelin named The Iron Eagle docks at the eastern zeppelin tower. This zeppelin leads to Grom’gol in the Northern Stranglethorn zone of Eastern Kingdoms.

The zeppelin docks about every three minutes.

A zeppelin named The Mighty Wind docks at the western zeppelin tower. This zeppelin leads to Warsong Hold in the Borean Tundra zone of Northrend.

The zeppelin docks about every five minutes.

For help navigating Northrend, check out our How to Get to Northrend guide.

A zeppelin named The Zephyr docks at the western zeppelin tower. This zeppelin leads to Thunder Bluff in the Mulgore zone of Kalimdor.

The zeppelin docks about every 10 minutes.

A zeppelin named The Defiant Dragonscale docks at the zeppelin tower just south of Orgrimmar. This zeppelin leads to Wingrest Embassy in the Waking Shores zone of Dragon Isles. Speak to Skarukaru at the end of the dock to find out how long the wait will be.

The zeppelin docks about every five minutes.

There is also a portal to Valdrakken in the Orgrimmar portal room.

For help navigating the Dragon Isles, check out our How to Get to the Dragon Isles guide.

Orgrimmar Portals & Zeppelins - World of Warcraft Dragonflight - Warcraft Tavern (2025)
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